Small On-suite 30 yrs plus and well in need of an upgrade. Clients request create space, light  and modernise  within given parameters. 


Asbestos sheeting removed from walls and replaced with villa-board. Shower partition wall removed and replaced with a toughened glass panel  In wall toilet suit to maximise available space.

Ceramic Large format tiles on walls and porcelain on floor to create and air of space.

Client also requested on-suite to be set up for aged parents with grab handles and wheel chair access as required.


One of hand crafted custom designed and built vanity unit in vivid white 2 pak with matching porcelin tile top. Along with matching custom mirror. Simple and clean.

1960s Bathroom before renovation
Now fully renovated Bathroom
Now Vanity


Old heavy ugly iron corrugated gates. Jammed open and unable to be closed.

Before Drivway Gate


New Painted cypress pickets on light weight galvanised iron tube frame. A dream to open and close.

After Driveway Gate


Rusted old and unsightly pressed metal  lounge ceiling in 100 year old home.                                                               



Repaired and paint matched with new matching pressed metal panel. (Can you pick the new panel) Looking great.



Farm shearing shed 40 plus years old rotting floors both floor boards and stumps with a seriously inefficient system in place.                                                                                                                                            

Before Shearing Shed


Sleek up to date functional smooth running 2 bay raised board shearing system.

Extensive reinforcement to building floor concrete stumps and  dropped concrete floor.

Cypress flooring treated pine framing F17 LVR  support beam for shearing plants with hardwood grated holding pens. Quick release channel chutes for sheep post shearing. Service shelf for shearers impliments and liquid refreshment.

Now Shearing Shed


Could get lost in that jungle.

Before Holding Yard


There it is a nature strip. Wow that's a big difference.

After Holding yard


Fire Hazard. Is it worth it?

Before Rear Car Yard


A small Investment in your business creates  a Fire Safe environment for everyone.

After Rear Car Yard



LIFE SIZE - "Jazz Band Trio"

  • Trumpeter - Hip and Blowin
  • Double Base - Down and Low
  • Saxophone - Daddy-o Cool cat

HEIGHT - 1600 mm  approximately

MATERIAL - 4 mm mild steel

FINISH - Accelerated natural rust patina 

Contact Us Now

Garden Art Metal Sculpture Jazz Band Double Base, Saxophone and Trumpet players